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Median and quantileComputer/statistics with R 2009. 3. 11. 20:13
Reference : http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Verzani-SimpleR.pdf I try to summarize the median and quantile in my words according to the reference, but most of expressions are similar to the reference one. median If I have data, for example, 1 3 9 29 37 ,the median that divides data into upper and lower data points is 9. And if the data is 1 3 9 29 37 48 , the median is (9 + 29)/2.0 = 19 . ..
GPG error in apt-get updateComputer/linux 2009. 3. 8. 11:14
When I want to install the SMPlayer from http://smplayer.berlios.de/downloads.php?tr_lang=en, I have a problem which is W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY @@@@@@@@@@@@ The solution is gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv @@@@@@@@@@@@ gpg --export --armor @@@@@@@@@@@@ | a..
Extract detailed information on DVD structure, and convert one chapter into mp3 audio file.Computer/linux 2009. 3. 8. 08:47
lsdvd -a -c -v /dev/scd1 lsdvd -a -c -v /dev/scd1 -Oy lsdvd = { 'device' : '/dev/scd1', 'title' : '********************************', 'vmg_id' : '*********************', 'provider_id' : '****************************************', 'track' : [ { 'ix' : 10, 'length' : 4674.040, 'vts_id' : 'DVDVIDEO-VTS', 'vts' : 10, 'ttn' : 1, 'fps' : 25.00, 'format' : 'PAL', 'aspect' : '16/9', 'width' : 720, 'heig..
Convert mp4 AAC to wav, and to mp3Computer/linux 2009. 3. 8. 08:25
M4A to wav for nam in *.M4A; do nice mplayer -ao pcm "$nam" -ao pcm:file="$nam.wav" done wav to mp3 for nam in *.wav; do nice lame -h "$nam" "$nam.mp3" ;done reference http://gimpel.gi.funpic.de/wiki/index.php?title=Howto:convert_aac/mp4_to_wav/mp3/ogg_on_Linux
wine에서 한글이 깨질때..Computer/linux 2009. 3. 2. 05:33
먼저 한글 윈도우 폰트를 리눅스에 등록한다. 2007/08/08 - [computer/linux] - How to use MS windows fonts and ttf in the Ubuntu Linux 그런후... cd ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/gulim.ttc gulim.ttc ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/batang.ttc batang.ttc emacs ~/.wine/system.reg [Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes] 1235907952 "Arial C..
What does mean "iptable log messages" in a log file?Computer/linux 2009. 1. 12. 23:38
Two references are below http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-102349.html http://search.cpan.org/~paulv/POE-Filter-Log-IPTables-0.02/IPTables.pm Sometime, in kern.log or dmesg contain the following message by issuing "ufw" more precisely iptable. [UFW BLOCK INPUT]: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=*************** SRC=*.*.*.* DST=**.**.***.*** LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=42 ID=23860 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=800..