Move A git Repository to another placeComputer/linux 2016. 7. 3. 04:09
The original repository : new repository : The original repository should have only one master, the new repository should be created via "github". $git clone $cd snmp-nscl/ $git fetch origin $ git remote add new-origin
Disable touchpad while typing - SynapticsTouchpadComputer/linux 2016. 6. 27. 08:33
Debian 8, in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d, open 50-synaptics.conf file, add the following red lines as follows: Section "InputClass" Identifier "Default clickpad buttons" MatchDriver "synaptics" Option "SoftButtonAreas" "50% 0 82% 0 0 0 0 0" Option "SecondarySoftButtonAreas" "58% 0 0 15% 42% 58% 0 15%" Option "PalmDetect" "1" Option "PalmMinWidth" "15" Option "PalmMinZ" "255" EndSection One can ch..
Public Key of Google Chrome in DebainComputer/linux 2016. 5. 4. 15:50
W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 1397BC53640DB551 So, need to install the Google public key viawget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -The reference is
Markdown hightlight on PlumaComputer/linux 2016. 4. 21. 21:33
Add Markdown Hightlight feature to Pluma, MD isn't supported by gtksourceview-2.0, so we cannot see the option for MD for Pluma. So, the support for MD is in gtksourceview-3.0. So simply to make a symbolic link into gtksourceview-2.9 is the way to fix or work around this issue.Check libgtksourceview in the system,# aptitude search libgtksourceviewIf no, install it via# aptitude install libgtksou..
Compose Key, the way to type "other charchters" in English keyboardComputer/linux 2016. 2. 14. 08:56
In order to type Ó, ö, etc, with the Enlgish keyboard, need to configure the compose key in Linux. After this, Press "Left Window Key > " > a " will show ä with using only English keyboard in Linux. Here is some example list: Composition key + , > c : ç Composition key + " > o{a,u} : ö{ä,ü} Composition key + a > a : å Composition key + e > = : € Composition key + / > u : µ Composition key + s > ..