There are differences between boot sector and its backup.Computer/linux 2007. 10. 18. 19:53
I got the following message during boot process: There are differences between boot sector and its backup. Differences: (offset:original/backup) 430:4e/44, 431:54/61, 432:4c/74, 433:44/65, 434:52/6e, 435:20/74, 436:66/72 , 437:65/84, 438:68/67, 439:6c/65, 440:74/72, 441:ff/20, 442:0d/65 , 443:0a/6e, 444:4d/74, 445:65/66, 446:64/65, 447:69/72, 448:65/6eI did several times to fix this problem by u..
How to convert wmv to flv with ffmpeg and embed in my web site.Computer/linux 2007. 10. 13. 05:54
# apt-get install ffmpeg # ffmpeg -i input.wmv -s 640x480 -ar 44100 -b 96 output.flv # ffmpeg -i input.wmv -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -b 800k -g 300 -bf 2 -an output.avi # ffmpeg -i out.ogg -s 1280x764 out.flv -i : input file -s : set frame size -ar : set audio sampling rate (Hz) -b : set video bitrate(kbit/s) -r : set frame rate (Hz) -an : no sound ffmpeg is found in the ...
remove a file securely on linuxComputer/linux 2007. 10. 4. 20:35
shred -n 100 -z -u -u, --remove truncate and remove file after overwriting -n, --iterations=N Overwrite N times instead of the default (25) -z, --zero add a final overwrite with zeros to hide shredding CAUTION: Note that shred relies on a very important assumption: that the file system over‐ writes data in place. This is the traditional way to do things, but man..
Firefox ugly font size with Xfce4Computer/linux 2007. 8. 27. 22:14
Check your resolution ~$ xdpyinfo |grep resolution resolution: 75x75 dots per inch Open ~$ emacs ~/.config/xfce4/Xft.xrdb& Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.hintstyle: hintfull Xft.rgba: rgb Xft.dpi: 76 Restart gdm or whatever.. One useful command to check your Xft configuration xrdb -q |grep Xft OR, in the firefox about:config Set the value of layout.css.dpi to 0 , which means that Use the ho..
gsview on ubuntu linux (6.10)Computer/linux 2007. 8. 25. 00:37
2009/03/13 - [computer/linux] - gsview on Ubuntu Hardy (8.04.02) #wget -c #alien gsview-4.8-1.i386.rpm #dpkg -i gsview_4.8-2_i386.deb #gsview (run gsview) Error message: empty message box solution: go to -> Option -> Ignore DSC #gsview Now the error messages as follows: GSview 4.8 2006-02-25 play_sound: not implemented deb..
xfce4 WMComputer/linux 2007. 8. 23. 23:45
선택할수있는방법은너무많다 내가모를뿐 gnome 에서 xfce4 로넘어왔다 gnome을사용하면서항상느꼈던것은좀버벅댄다는것이었다 한글입력때문에계속사용하다가 uim 을통해입력을해보니잘되었다 그런후에완전히xfce4로넘어왔다 uim으로 한글 입력또한 그렇게 만만하진 않다. 문자입력에서 버그가 있는 것 같다. GUI 설정도구를 통해 온갖삽질을 해봐도 최척화된 입력 방법을 찾지를 못했다. 시간이 해결하려니 하고 구글링 해보니.. 홈 디렉토리에 .xinitrc 화일을 만들어 다음을 추가하라고.. export XMODIFIERS="@im=uim" uim-xim & uim-toolbar-gtk & 그러니 shift-space 키로 한글 영어변환이 가능하고 문자입력(점이나 @ 같은..)에서 오류가 없게 입력이 된다... 것..
ntpdate and ntpComputer/linux 2007. 8. 16. 22:49
There are two ways of Time Synchronization. The manual documents are too complicated to understand. I quit to read. They said that the ntpdate program is to be retired from this distribution in the However, for me, ntpdate is easy to use and understand. And also ntpdate has small resource of my laptop shortly, and that's it. I prefer ntpdate t..
How to save each page of a pdf file to eps fileComputer/linux 2007. 8. 16. 00:32
Sometimes, I want to extract some plot or graphical object s from pdf file such as data sheet. The Inkscape can handle eps file in Linux. With the following gs command, I can extract graphical information from pdf file. gs -dSAFTER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -r300 -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=result-%02d.eps input.pdf xterm output example AFPL Ghostscript 8.14 (2004-02-20) Copyright (C) 2004 artofcode ..