책을 읽다가 좋은 글들을 발견했다. 지금 내 상황을 설명하고 있는데 난 이런 생각을 해본적이 없다.
As your research progresses, you may experience a moment when everything you have learned seems to run together. When that happens, you are probably accumulating data faster than you can handle them. You know a lot but can't be sure what's useful or relevant. You can't expect to avoid all such moments, but you can minimize the anxiety they create by taking every opportunity to organize and summarize what you have gathered in writing and as you go, and to keep returning to the central questions: What problem am I posing here? What question am I asking? How are my data relevant to either? Keep coming back to that formula, I am working on X to learn more about Y, so that my readers can better understand Z.
At moments of utter confusion, turn to friends, classmates, teachers - anyone who will serve as a sympathetic but critical audience. Explain how what you have learned bears on your question and moves you toward a resolution of your problems. Give your friends progress reports, asking: Does this make sense? Am I missing an important aspect or question? Given what I have said, what else would you like to know? You will profit from their reactions, but even more from the mere act of explaining your ideas to nonspecialists.
The Craft of Research, W.C.Booth, G.G.Colomb, and J.M.Williams
좀더 나은 논문을 쓸수 있을까? 논문을 쓴다는 생각이 연구(research)를 한다는 생각보다 앞선다. 그저 이곳 생활을 끝내기 위해서... 정말 내겐 시간이 없는걸까. 사실 지금 현재 내 기분은 phdcomics에 나오는 아래 그림과 같은 느낌을 지울수 없다.
사실 이런 느낌도 아니다. 그냥 버려진듯한 느낌. 이젠 이 느낌으로 부터 벗어나고 싶다. 그건 아마 이곳을 떠냐야 벗어날 수 있을 것 같다.