See the new post which might be what you want to find.
2008/01/30 - [computer] - eps file by AutoCAD
There is an blank page, which include the eps file that is created by AutoCAD, in ps file, which is created by LaTeX.
I installed three different gs on my linux. It can be change by the following message:
# update-alternatives --config gs
There are 3 alternatives which provide `gs'.
Selection Alternative
+ 1 /usr/bin/gs-esp
2 /usr/bin/gs-gpl
* 3 /usr/bin/gs-afpl
Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 3
With gs-afpl, AutoCAD eps file or LaTeX ps file can be good. The eps file is open with emacs with unexpected long time. But I can't understand the content.
There are is a lot of ugly numbers. Probably AutoCAD does not like the end user can edit that file.
I don't like the above ugly eps file.
eps2eps autocad.eps output.eps, the eps file can be open with emacs more easily.
This eps file is used in whatever gs you use.
eps2eps returns wrong bounding box information. It will be correct the old post:
2007/05/13 - [computer/linux] - How to create a stand alone eps file by using pstricks