How to convert wav to mp3 or flac with ffmpeg and with lame.Computer/linux 2008. 3. 31. 22:56
lame -h input.wav output.mp3 -h Use some quality improvements. Encoding will be slower, but the result will be of higher quality. The behaviour is the same as the -q 2 switch. This switch is always enabled when using VBR. http://lame.sourceforge.net/ ffmpeg -i input.wav -ab 64 -ac 1 -ar 44100 output.mp3 Note that the output detailed format is MPEG Layer II. ffmpeg -i input.wav -ab 64 -ac 1 -ar 4..
How to convert wmv to flv with ffmpeg and embed in my web site.Computer/linux 2007. 10. 13. 05:54
# apt-get install ffmpeg # ffmpeg -i input.wmv -s 640x480 -ar 44100 -b 96 output.flv # ffmpeg -i input.wmv -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -b 800k -g 300 -bf 2 -an output.avi # ffmpeg -i out.ogg -s 1280x764 out.flv -i : input file -s : set frame size -ar : set audio sampling rate (Hz) -b : set video bitrate(kbit/s) -r : set frame rate (Hz) -an : no sound ffmpeg is found in the http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/ ...