Allow a VM Guest to have the same subnet network as a host has.Computer/linux 2020. 5. 19. 06:46
VirtualBox Guest OS usually doesn't belong to the same subnet which Host OS is. We can set the guest OS network configuration as "Bridged Adapter". In addtion, the Adapter Type should be selected as PCnet-FAST III, which is supported by almost all OSs. However, one should try others first.
increase client win7 disk size on LinuxComputer/linux 2012. 12. 16. 22:40
The original disk space was 20 GiB, so windows keep asking me that they need a space. I found the web site And follow what he did, and got the 50 GiB disk space. ~/.VirtualBox/HardDisks$ VBoxManage modifyhd Usage: VBoxManage modifyhd | [--type normal|writethrough|immutable|shareable| readonly|multiattach] [--autoreset on|off] [--compact] ..
a shared folder in guest OS (winxp) within host OS (RHEL5.3)Computer/linux 2009. 12. 15. 04:20
0) turn off VirtualBox 1) xterm (Host OS) [] VBoxManage sharedfolder add "winxp" -name "vboxdata" -hostpath "/home/jhlee/vboxguest/" vboxdata is the name which is used in the directory name of the guest OS. vboxguest must be created by the user with "mkdir ~/vboxguest" 2) cmd (Guest OS) > net use e: \\vboxsvr\vboxdata
Guest Virtualbox, network Printer SettingComputer/linux 2008. 10. 27. 05:16
Host OS : Ubuntu Linux 8.04 64bit or Debian 6 64bit Guest OS : Win xp sp3 On the Win xp, add printer -> network printer... ML-1610 is the printer name find the right driver for your printer... test it. reference : Note that sometimes, I cannot use the above method, in that case, instead of, use the ho..
Keyboard doesnot work in the virtualbox.Computer/linux 2008. 7. 12. 04:55
After installing the VirtualBox OSE on the Ubuntu 8.04, I installed Windows xp. There is a keyboard issue. It can be solved by adding the follwoing lines in the /usr/bin/VBoxManage. GTK_IM_MODULE=none QT_IM_MODULE=none XMODIFIERS=none
VirtualBox on ubuntu and win xpComputer/linux 2007. 11. 15. 01:29
I installed VirtualBox on my ubuntu machine. download a proper package according to operating system. For my machine, Ubuntu 6.10 ("Edgy Eft") dpkg -i *.debmy ubuntu has no error, but other machine needs the kernel header and source thing.Then installed debian testing with base memory 256MB and video memory 8MB. Unfortunately, sinces my file system is fat32, the fix-size image cannot be created...