A2DP Bluetooth audio choppy soundComputer/linux 2020. 7. 1. 05:44
I am happy to use the Cowin E7 headset for listening music from my old iMac with Debain 10. However, the connection is going to choppy after I pause audio play from time to time. With Google uncle's help, I'v found the site which gives me the clear resolution We can do this in both ways : command line and GUI. $ pac..
Disable touchpad while typing - SynapticsTouchpadComputer/linux 2016. 6. 27. 08:33
Debian 8, in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d, open 50-synaptics.conf file, add the following red lines as follows: Section "InputClass" Identifier "Default clickpad buttons" MatchDriver "synaptics" Option "SoftButtonAreas" "50% 0 82% 0 0 0 0 0" Option "SecondarySoftButtonAreas" "58% 0 0 15% 42% 58% 0 15%" Option "PalmDetect" "1" Option "PalmMinWidth" "15" Option "PalmMinZ" "255" EndSection One can ch..
update-alternative setup for libreofficeComputer/linux 2014. 3. 21. 10:56
Debian Wheezy has the libreoffice 3.5.4 as the default office suite, somehow, I don't like to use 3. For better handling stupid MS file formats, I installed LibreOffice4 from its website via downloading deb packages : jhlee@kaffee:/volatile/firefox_download$ tar zvxf LibreOffice_4.1.5_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz jhlee@kaffee:/volatile/firefox_download$ cd LibreOffice_4.1.5.3_Linux_x86-64_deb/ jhlee@..
convert ogg to mp3 by avconv on Debian LinuxComputer/linux 2013. 8. 20. 12:41
The simple and naive command, which I think, be fitted to almost all situation, is avconv -i input.ogg output.mp3, because of its man page as follows: By default avconv tries to pick the "best" stream of each type present in input files and add them to each output file. For video, this means the highest resolution, for audio the highest channel count. For subtitle it's simply the first subtitle ..
ROOT system installation and updateComputer/linux 2008. 12. 20. 07:12
The ROOT system is an object-oriented Data Analysis Framework. OS: Ubuntu 8.04 / RHEL 5.3 GCC : gcc version 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu3) / gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44) Some useful reference is 1. Check the web site of ROOT system and d..