Strange output in the /var/log/messages file as
Jul 30 22:13:18 localhost -- MARK --Jul 30 22:33:18 localhost -- MARK --this is a default option or the syslogd. With the man page of the syslogd,
-m interval
The syslogd logs a mark timestamp regularly. The default interval between two -- MARK -- lines is 20 minutes. This can be changed with this option. Setting the interval to zero turns it off entirely.
also look at /etc/syslog.conf file.
이상한 로그가 /var/log/messages file 에 남아있다.
Jul 30 22:13:18 localhost -- MARK --Jul 30 22:33:18 localhost -- MARK --맨 페이지를 뒤져보니 기본 옵션이었다.
-m interval The syslogd logs a mark timestamp regularly. The default interval between two -- MARK -- lines is 20 minutes. This can be changed with this option. Setting the interval to zero turns it off entirely.