
  • awk with a running average and sample deviation
    Computer/linux 2010. 8. 18. 01:02

    # License : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/deed.en
    # Author:   Jeong Han Lee
    # email :   jeonghan 'dot' lee 'at' gmail 'dot' com
    # Date:     Thursday, August 19 10:39:49 EDT 2010
    # Version:  0.0.1
    #          This script can calculate a running mean, a sample deviation
    #          , and a standard deviation from xterm output.
    # History:
    # 0.0.1     Thursday, August 19 10:41:44 EDT 2010  

    # How to use.....
    # $4 is what interests me.
    # For example,
    # ps aux | grep jhlee | awk '{print $2} '
    # 20488
    # 20490
    # 20528
    # 20544
    # 20674
    # 20805
    # 20806
    # 20807
    # 23841

    # then $4 is replaced by $2, then
    # ps aux | grep jhlee | awk -f average.awk
    # Total count        : 52
    # mean               : 10966.7
    # Sample Deviation   : 8159.65
    # Standard Deviation : 8080.81

    # Tuesday, August 17 11:17:02 EDT 2010, jhlee
    #awk ' {print "  CPU " $2 " "$3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6 " s per event)" }'

    BEGIN {
        count = 0
        mean0 = 0
        sd0   = 0
        sample_deviation = 0
        standard_deviation = 0

        x = $4
        count += 1
        #    totalsize += x
        indexI1 = x
        mean1   = mean0 +1/count * ( x - mean0 )
        sd1     = sd0 + ( x - mean0 )*( x - mean1 )
        mean0   = mean1
        sd0     = sd1
        if (count !=0 && sd0 != 0) {
        sample_deviation   = sqrt(1/(count-1)*sd0)
        standard_deviation = sqrt(1/count*sd0)

    END {
        printf "Total count        : %8d\n", count
        #   print "average size = " totalsize/count
        printf "Mean               : %8.2lf\n", mean0
        printf "Sample Deviation   : %8.2lf\n", sample_deviation
        printf "Standard Deviation : %8.2lf\n", standard_deviation



    grep -r CPU ~/QwAnalysis/trunk/ou-qweak.20100817.00.* | awk -f average.awk

    Total count        : 20
    mean : +- [ sample deviation, standard deviation]
    mean :   748.65 +- [    60.40,    58.87 ] s


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